1. General Service Rates and Terms and Conditions of Service
In effect as of October 22, 2024 (For Private Clients)
Last updated:年10月22
I (each of the signatory to the Service Agreement and user of EC Nurse Connect's placement service, hereinafter also referred to as a "Client") understand that save as exceptionally provided herein, the service rates set out shall apply for my engagement of nurses/healthcare workers placed by EC Nurse Connect:


Caregiver Category 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours 7 hours 8 hours 9 hours 10 hours 11 hours 12 hours Night shift* Brief Visit
Registered Nurse (RN)  $             910


 $          1,220  $          1,440  $          1,660  $          1,880  $          2,100  $          2,320  $          2,540  $          2,760  $          2,980  $          3,200  $             200  $             600
Enrolled Nurse (EN)  $             680  $               880  $          1,080  $          1,280  $          1,480  $          1,680  $          1,880  $          2,080  $          2,280  $          2,480  $          2,680  $          2,880  $             200  $             600
Care Worker/Health Worker    $               510  $             575  $             640  $             705  $             770  $             835  $             900  $             965  $          1,030  $          1,095  $          1,160  $             100
Physiotherapist                                                                                                     $1800/hour, onwards session $1500/hour
Occupational Therapist
Speech Therapist
* Night shift charge: 12am-6am
** Clients who wish to use therapist sessions must start with an assessment session. If client switches therapist type we must arrange another assessment session.
***Includes a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Notice: Incomplete shift hours are charged in 30-min intervals based on the "Subsequent Hour Rate". For example, if a care professional works for 8 hours and 5 minutes, you will be charged 8.5 hours.

Special service rates of 2 times the rate set in the above pricing table applies to below days:
  • First day of January
  • Lunar New Year's Eve
  • Lunar New Years 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day
  • Day after Mid-Autumn Festival
  • Winter Solstice Festival
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day
  • New Year's Eve
URGENT REQUEST CHARGE An urgent request fee of $300 is charged if the request is made:
  • less than 12 hours before service starts, OR
  • after 6pm and service starts before 12pm the following day
This does not apply to emergency escort service. SPECIAL TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE A special transport allowance of $100/one way is charged if:
  • service starts/ends at or before 6:30am
  • service starts/ends at or after 12am
如同時滿足以上兩個條件,將向客戶收取兩次特殊交通津貼,即共$200. *特殊交通津貼和夜更加費分開計算。

EC Nurse Connect保留調整價格和條款以及條件的權利,而無需實現去的客戶同意。請致電EC Nurse Connect以獲取現行使用服務費率和條款及條件。

Meal Time:It is customary for the nurses/healthcare workers working an 8-hour shift to have a paid meal break of at least 30 minutes and 60 minutes for a 9-hour shift and above
Caregiver guide
Caregiver Guide

Registered Nurse (RN) Enrolled Nurse (EN) Personal Care Worker (PCW)
Educational Level 4-5 years (Bachelor of Nursing Degree 2-3 years (Diploma in Nursing)
Fall Prevention
Medication Administration
Medical Transport & Escort Services
Insulin Injection
Glucose Monitoring
Catheter Management
Wound Care (Dressing Changes)
Peritoneal Dialysis
Stoma Care
Feeding Tube Management
Suctioning (phlegm)
Tracheostomy Care
Phlebotomy (blood drawing)
In-home health tests
  • Customers must present their identity cards on the appointment day
  • Tests are for reference only, and is not suitable for diagnostic and/or treatment use
  • Patients are not required to fast prior to blood test
  • Tests will be processed at PathLab Medical Laboratories or I Medical Laboratories.
  • The cost of the test does not include a doctor's consultation, patients who wish to obtain a diagnosis or interpretation after receiving the lab results should consult a general practitioner or specialist doctor on their own. EC may help to arrange the appointment.
  • Payment for tests are non-refundable. If you need to reschedule your test, please contact us at least 2 days prior to the original booking date.
2. TERMS & CONDITIONS I understand that the following terms and conditions shall apply in order for EC Nurse Connect to place nurses/healthcare workers to provide service as independent contractors for me:

i. Placement Agent. EC Nurse Connect is a placement agent which sources suitable nurses/healthcare workers to work for me and will charge me according to its current service rates:- I understand that nurses/healthcare workers are free to accept or decline a proposed placement and EC Nurse Connect does not guarantee that it will successfully place me with an alternate nurse/healthcare worker although it will use its reasonable endeavors to do so.

ii. 獨立承包人士 (自僱人士) 護理人員作為獨立承包人士(自僱人士) 提供服務, 他們不是 EC Nurse Connect 的員工; 本人將提供所有必須的設備 (如溫度計和血壓監測儀等) 和用品 (例如面罩、手套等), 以便護理人員為本人提供服務; EC Nurse Connect對每名護理人員進行合理的背景審查。這些護理人員都是獨立的承包人士, 單獨為其行為和水平負責。 EC Nurse Connect 不會: (i) 為本人工作的護理人員的行為承擔任何責任, 或 (ii) 對其提供服務負上任何法律責任。

iii. 指示/監督 本人有責任直接指導和監督 (或提供適當的指示或監督) 為本人服務的護理人員的工作。 本人將提供所有必須的設備 (如溫度計和血壓監測儀等) 和用品 (例如面罩、手套等), 以便護理人員為本人提供服務; 在監督護理人員的工作時, 本人明白本人可參照《獨立承包人仕的專業守則》, 當中載明EC Nurse Connect 了解護理人員為獨立承包人仕為客戶提供一般服務時的適用服務水平。本人明白, 本人應直接與護理人員溝通給予任何明確的指示。

iv. Invoice Payment.
a) Invoices shall be sent to Clients prior to the confirmation of a placement service. Until EC Nurse Connect receives receipt of the payment, the placement will not be confirmed.
b) Payment shall be made by:
i. Bank Transfer Account Name: UMH TPA Ltd
Bank Name: Hang Seng Bank Account Number: 242-452100-883
Address: 20/F, Devon House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

ii. 支票 to be confirmed – 郵寄劃線支票,支票抬頭為”EC Nurse Connect” : 20/F, Devon House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
I agree to pay each EC Nurse Connect invoice before the start of service. Should bills remain unpaid after 7 days, a 10% surcharge on the outstanding amount will be added. Should bills remain unpaid after 14 days, a 10% interest per annum will be imposed on the outstanding amount and EC Nurse Connect may appoint a third party/ debt collection agent(s) to recover the outstanding amount and the interest. All costs and disbursements associated with appointing the third part/ debt collection agent(s) will be for the account of the client.

v. 直接/間接聘用 I agree to pay EC Nurse Connect a one-off introductory fee if I directly/indirectly engage a nurse/healthcare worker who has been placed by EC Nurse Connect to work for me for a same/similar position ("Direct Engagement"). I further agree to notify EC Nurse Connect's Care Coordinator of my intention to offer a nurse/healthcare worker a Direct/Indirect Engagement. This contractual obligation to notify EC Nurse Connect upon any Direct/Indirect Engagement shall survive for a period of one year after the last date of a placement that particular nurse/healthcare worker had with me. I acknowledge that failure to notify EC Nurse Connect of a Direct/Indirect Engagement will render EC Nurse Connect's loss of introductory fee and that I shall therefore be liable to compensate EC Nurse Connect by paying it the usual rate of introductory fee which is equivalent to the average of that particular nurse/healthcare worker's one month's income receivable from that Direct/Indirect Engagement. EC Nurse Connect will endeavour to accommodate requested changes as much as possible, which will incur charges depending on the notice period as outlined below. Upon failure to do so, such requests will be treated as a cancellation.

vi. Amendment of Service and Cancellation Charge EC Nurse Connect will endeavour to accommodate requested changes as much as possible, which will incur charges depending on the notice period as outlined below. Upon failure to do so, such requests will be treated as a cancellation.
*This fee only applies to changes or rescheduling to another nurse/caregiver

更改服務包括但不限於以下情況:因日期/時間變更、服務要求變更、服務時間縮短或延長而導致護理員更改 ⁺ 除特殊情況外 (如突然入院出院及離世),服務費不予退還。本公司有權要求客戶出示相關證明文件作退款用途。EC Nurse Connect保留最終退款決定權。 所有退款將在4至6個星期內處理

vii. 惡劣天氣 如護理人員需於黑色暴雨警告生效或8號或以上颱風信號懸掛期間工作,本公司將有以下安排: 服務收費會調整至一般收費的兩倍,此特別收費安排有效期為:

i. 黑色暴雨警告在服務期間生效
ii. 8號或以上颱風信號在服務期間生效

Service cancellation policy: i. Service shall continue as scheduled unless otherwise instructed
ii. If you wish to cancel the service, please inform us at least 4 hours before the shift starts or before 8pm if the shift starts before 12pm the following day. Otherwise, no refund shall be given.
iii. In the event that caregivers cancel service due to transport issues, we shall try our best to arrange a replacement 

viii. Termination I agree that either I or EC Nurse Connect may give the other party notice in writing to terminate the Service Agreement with immediate effect without providing a cause; save that if I have an ongoing placement, the termination date of the Service Agreement shall be automatically postponed until the last date of such placement, or at an earlier date subject to the agreement with EC Nurse Connect.

ix. Governing Law and Jurisdiction The Service Agreement and this document shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts.

x. Language In case of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this document, the English version shall prevail.
3. Personal Information Collection Statement I further agree that the personal data collected by EC Nurse Connect in respect of its clients will be used by EC Nurse Connect for placements and other related purposes, including but not limited to assessing my needs (and the patient's needs) and placing nurses/healthcare workers for me. My personal data is stored directly in EC Nurse Connect's database which may only be accessed by EC Nurse Connect's authorized employees, who will review the details of my personal data for the purposes of providing me with potentially suitable placements.
EC Nurse Connect可向下列人士披露本人的個人資料或其任何部分披露給: –
(b)EC Nurse Connect為上述任何目的或與之相關的任何目的聘用的任何承包人士,代理人,其他人或團體,或向EC Nurse Connect提供行政管理,電訊,電腦或其他服務的任何第三方服務供應商;
(c)根據適用的法律,政府或監管要求EC Nurse Connect 作出披露的任何人士;及
(d)為EC Nurse Connect履行上述目的而合理要求作出披露的其他人士。
本人明白,EC Nurse Connect 可保留本人的個人資料直到在收到本人的書面通知後6個月為止或法律規定的期限為止。根據“個人資料(私隱)條例”(香港法例第486章),本人有權要求查閱和/或更正本人在EC Nurse Connect 登記的個人資料。此等要求須以書面作出,
郵寄至:: 20/F, Devon House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, EC Nurse Connect.
I agree that EC Nurse Connect is entitled to charge a reasonable fee for processing any data access request.
EC Nurse Connect reserves the right to share the service scope of this Service Agreement for promotional and marketing purposes, including on EC Nurse Connect's website(s), social media pages and other media channels, and Client grants to EC Nurse Connect the right and license to utilize Client’s name, logo(s) and trademark(s) in connection with such promotional and marketing efforts.
4. Client Health Declaration Helping you stay well and prepared.
  • I agree to inform EC Nurse Connect if I have visited any Covid-19 hotspots in the last 14 days.
  • As far as I am aware, I have not developed any symptoms of coronavirus in the last 14 days, including, fever, chills & rigor, cough, sore throat, diarrhoea, shortness of breath or other symptoms related to the coronavirus. In the event I notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, I agree to notify EC Nurse Connect immediately.
  • If I plan to go anywhere outside of HK where there may be a chance of contracting the coronavirus, I agree to notify EC Nurse Connect.
  • I acknowledge and agree that EC Nurse Connect, having procured the aforesaid declarations from its healthcare professionals, has done what it could in the circumstances to ensure that its healthcare professionals provided are free from coronavirus.